photos c/o hollie marie photography {thank you hol you're the best!}
i had a friend text me a few months back to tell me "steph! your hair is famous!". she had spotted my
hair on the popular page of pinterest and turns out images of my hair have been pinned hundreds of
times. i was like what?!? cool! i have famous hair! lol {thanks to my super great hair stylist katie.} a
week or so after my friend let me know my hair had gone "viral" i started getting regular emails from
sweet ladies who had stumbled on my images on pinterest and had
some questions about my short tresses.
so, even though my hair isn't this short any longer, i thought i would share a few more
pics here today and answer some of these commonly asked questions!
1. what pictures did you take to your stylist for your cut? these are the pics! i took these three, and a
couple others that i unfortunately can't seem to find now, but these three were the main photos that we
went from. and my hair stylist just kind of came up with a great combination of the three.

2. is your hair asymmetrical? yes! it was more drastic when it was first cut and as i grew it out we
evened it a little each time. it was fun to have everything a little off balance.
3. how do you style it? i have super crazy curly hair. so round brushing it out was a must. i would put
some smoothing serum in my ends and a root lifter at my roots, then round brush the heck out of it!
after that i would use a combination of a straightener and curling iron to get the desired look. i know
using so much heat on your hair isn't the best idea but when you have an afro like me it must be done.
just make sure you're using a great heat protecting spray like this.
4. do you color your hair? i don't! i know it's probably rare to find people these days who don't but
i don't have any grays yet {thank you jesus} and as much as i damage my hair with heat i figure
i should hold off on color damage as long as possible.
5. is it hard to style? ok being totally honest, i actually think long hair is a bit easier to work with then
short. there is no getting around styling your hair every. single. day. when it's short. other wise you look
like a boy or like you just stuck your head in an outlet. when my hair is long, since i only wash it a
couple times a week styling is way WAY less maintenance.
6. overall do you like short or long hair better? long. every day all day. long. my short hair was super
fun and cut so well. but after about a month i was over it. i think i'm just a long haired girl at heart!