more organized.

this is my pretty little planner. cute huh?

welp, this is what the inside of that planner has looked like
since i bought it in september of last year.

my goal is to get it consistently looking more like this.
there are so many things i want to do in a day like:
soap {aka read my bible},
take photos,
etc. etc.
but for some reason i just have a hard time fitting it all in. before i know it
my whole day is gone and i pretty much did nothing. i feel like if i
my whole day is gone and i pretty much did nothing. i feel like if i
could just be a little more planned out and organized maybe i could do it all?
are you laughing at me right now?
you're thinking "yeah right, that 'planning' will last about two weeks".
yep you're probably right. i need help!
any expert planners/ organizers want to throw me a bone?!
i love this weekly planner my friend anna from in honor of design
made up. adorable and practical.
any tips? thoughts? or encouragement??
i need all the help i can get.
I totally understand where you are coming from, as a mom, wife and business owner. I find myself trying to balance it all and some days for me its more about finding the endurance to get through my to do list without pulling my hair out.
What has really helped me is sharing a calendar with my hubby and taking the time on Sunday to gather my to do list for each day of the week, seperating family task from business task. Of course the unexpected some times happens, and my to do list gets shifted and twisted, but going in to the each week with direction always gives me that sense of organization. Sorry this is so long.;)
Pretty Pic of you! Happy Organizing!
I totally thought you wrote soap to remind you to watch the last little episodes of the daytime soap that is ending this week (I can't remember the name of it but it has been on for like 30 years).
I started "planning" this last week and it's important to not plan too much for one day, leave room for things that you might not see coming and so on. Super cute planning book though!! Happy planning friend!
I love planners :) I currently don't have one but I need to find one pronto considering I start school tuesday!
What a pretty planner. Instead of filling a planner, I write a to do list everyday on a post it or in a notebook. I don't try to schedule times for it, I just like to write it down so it's in the forefront of my brain. The only things I write in the planner are appointments and vacations and what not. That way I know when I need to be somewhere, but I also feel like I've given myself the flexibility to enjoy life.
That planner is so cute! :) I am so bad about planners. I went and bought one last week and it is still on my dresser staring at me.....whoops. FAIL.
My new motto is to under promise and over deliver. I have found myself to be waayy to committed lately, which in turn takes time away from household tasks and family time. I am (attempting)to do a load of laundry a day, and light surface cleaning. Then one day a week I do a "real" clean-- stripping the beds, cleaning bathrooms etc.
i dont really have a schedule or list, I just try to find some motivation every day LOL.
I have this planner! Yayy :)
Part of the reason I made this was so that I would actually write out what I needed to get done, which always proves more efficient for me. I have to separate my tasks so that I keep house and home separate from financial or business:)
Thanks so much for sharing Stephanie!
I am a total list maker. I write down everything I need to do, buy, clean, organize etc. It motivates me to get it done because crossing it off feels so good.
i think this is awesome girl! no worries, definitely not judging! just curious, why do you call reading your bible SOAP?
you are too cute!
xo TJ
I really like that last planner, did you say it's available? Looks amazing and realistic.
Ok, so being into psychology like I am, I would ask these questions.
-What are you doing instead of your "to -do" list? ( being with your daughter?)
-When you think about the stuff you have "to-do" what does it make you feel like?
-How do you feel when you haven't done your "to-do" list?
-What are you comparing or measuring yourself up to?
-Do you feel unmotivated to do your "to-do" list?
love you girl!!!! You're doing a great job regardless if your planner is written in or not! You are doing an amazing job whether you have a meal plan or not! You are doing a wonderful job whether you have a good "system" or not!
Some of us just aren't that way, we aren't into all that planning and organizing, and being out in the blog world seeing how a lot of people blog about this particular subject, can make you/us whoever feel inferior b/c we aren't that organized or whatever...everyone does things differently and you have to do what works for you!!!
Oh and yes, I was cracking up you have a great comedic side that i just adore!
Haha,You'll get there! Don't make your goals too big so that they are overwhelming. Just try doing a little at a time and before you know it you'll get organized. That last planner should def help! It's beautiful. =)
all right lady YOU.ARE.GORGEOUS!
i have such a problem with organization. i seriously don't know where the day goes.
your planner is beautiful.
will you please send me your soap post link i forgot how to do it.
thank you
have a fantastic weekend.
p.s. i wish we had snow here. i have been praying for rain non stop. so instead of moping about it, i have decided to embrace this warm weather.
your planner is great! i keep a planner too, and it helps with remembering things and keeping motivated :)
thanks for stopping by my blog, i heart yours!
Love your planner,
it looks so lovely.
I have a planner too,
but I still have to put something on it ♥
Well, unfortunately I don't have any tips because you are far more organized than me already. I am a wreck from working the night shift. I never even know what day of the week it is. It really is pathetic. Thanks for helping to motivate me:)
I was totally laughing and then got to the part where you said "are you laughing" and I laughed out loud! haha! You are in luck because this girl is a planner! I find that I will be the most productive if I wake up and get my to do list going while I drink my coffee, then I get started right away. you should see my planner. I literally make play dates weeks in advanced and map out my meals for the week every Sunday. Are you ready for this... I SOMETIMES plan my outfits for the week on Sundays nights. Planning and to do lists have become a sickness for me. lol
On a completely unrelated note, here is a link to that ring I was talking about. Isn't it lovely?! http://pinterest.com/pin/283515739011544189/
My new year's resolution is to be more organized and this to do list is perfect to help with that. I'm pinning it now. Good luck, Stephanie! PS You are so gorgeous!
I adore that organizer!
In the past I never used an organizer, but starting the beginning of last year I did. I found that if I planned a month out at a time it was easier. I could see my month of to-do's right there in front of me and it made planning around important things easier.
I love that picture of you! So pretty!
Good luck with your organizer. Just make it a priority and it'll soon be like second nature.
First, you are so gorgeous! Second, that planner is so cute! I agree that if I don't plan things, I pretty much get nothing done. Being organized is one of my goals this year too.
Planners are my weakness! I love how they keep me so organized. You haaaave to color-code. A pretty planner is a happy planner! :)
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Following you now!
Such a great goal. Really. :) I need to be more organized too. It's definitely one of the hardest goals to accomplish, but it can be done, and you can do it!
I'm surprised I'm just finding your blog too! LOVE it! Thanks so much for stopping by mine and saying hi!
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