a day at the museum


last week my best friend and i took our kids to the museum here in our town. 
 it's a very small museum but still had plenty of things to entertain the kids. 
in fact, they had so much fun running around it was hard for me to snap any photos!

their favorite thing was by far the moving dinosaur.

do you have a good museum in your town? have you ever been?


p.s. stop back tomorrow for the winner of the the shabby apple necklace giveaway! 


Andrea said...

Love both of the girls little bootS! And I have the same problem with my kid running around too fast for me to snap any pictures. Kids will be kids I guess!! Happy Tuesday:)

Mama and her boys said...

is it a Dinosaur museum? Michael would FREAK OUT! He loves dinosaurs. :)

Carlie said...

I love museums. I'd take the kids I nannied to the Dionsaur Museum.

ginanorma said...

that looks similar to the museum in Detroit, their little History Museum.

I love my minneapolis institute of arts, by far my fave! We also have great childrens, science and history museums!

cute post hon!

Mama and her boys said...

are you getting my emails? :( I just realized that I was sending to a no reply address. boooo.... Hope you are getting them now!! xo

Yellow Finch Designs said...

this is what we're doing tomorrow!

Mr. Taylor and his Lady said...

um, could these pictures be any cuter? so adorable! and looks like such a fun day! love!
xo TJ

Kelly said...

Pais is super cute sportin those pig tails. LOVE!
have you figured out PhotoShop. I gave up I mean took a break. I'm going back to work for a few weeks to do kindergarten testing.

Lauren said...

Awh! Beautiful pictures! :)

It looks like you guys had a great time!


Lisa @ MMT said...

Cute photos! Looks like the kids had a blast!
We took our son to the children's museum this weekend. He had so much fun! I'm going to post about it soon :)

marie said...

Such a sweet blog. Love your pictures and your attitude. We have a few small museums here where I live and my kids love them.

Erin said...

What a great adventure! :) I love museums! Those pigtails are too cute!!

Fash Boulevard said...

adore this post. thanks for sharing, love. xo
