another "first" with pais


i took pais out in the snow yesterday for the first time
it was perfect because a few minutes after we came in the sun
showed up and started melting all the snow. 

like everything she does she was a little unsure at first, but quickly warmed up to it
tromping around the yard like she owns the place. {oh wait i guess she kind of does own the place.} then she came inside. sat on a chair. and stared out the window for 5 minutes.
i think that means she liked it?

have you played in the snow yet this year?
i'm sure all my warm weather friends wish they could!


*don't forget to enter this amazing giveaway*


LittleBlueFeather said...

how much do you love your new camera?! :) These photos are so precious and amazing quality!!

Mama and her boys said...

Oh my goodness! Where did that hat come from?! So stinkin cute!!! I'm DYING to take the boys to the snow

kaylee@life chasers said...

Crazy jealous of your snow!!!
And that hat is out of control!!!!

Chelsea said...

Such sweet photos! She is too cute! I'm a little jealous, Texas has been like 80 degrees the past few days. Snow looks like fun!

Erin said...

Pais is too cute! I cannot get over her sweet little fur hat! :)

Stephanie Shepherd said...

Hi Stephanie! Thanks for stopping by yesterday. We are nearly neighbors! Except, we did not get the snow that you did. Following your blog. x

Miranda said...

Her little hat is just to die for! I wish we had snow, it is so beautiful and the kids are always asking about it.

Bip and Bop said...

Love this post! Love her outfit! I wish we had snow here! We haven't even had rain yet! :(

Kelly said...

I love the pic of her struttin by the tree. She's got sass mama. Glad you lovely ladies had fun.
I want snow.

eighteenthofmay said...

She is so adorable! And that fluffy hat, too cute!

We haven't had snow yet, but a girl can always hope :)

Mr. Taylor and his Lady said...

um, this last picture is absolutely stunning. she is adorable!! and that hat is precious!
xo TJ

Andrea said...

I seriously need to take my little girl out to play in the snow, Looks like your little one had a great time! Love her fur hat btw!

Digger said...

These pictures are so cute!! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE your header! Adorable!Thank you so much for the comment on my post! I always apprecaite it!

All The Love In The Universe

Hanna said...

Gorgeous little snow monster:)

theolivetree said...

awww love this! We had 47 inches of snow here last hasn't snowed yet and it was 65 two days ago...crazy.

Charlene said...

Hi Stephanie! Loving your blog! Great stuff here! I'll be sure to stop by soon! =)

Char xo

Josie said...

She looks too cute in her little hat with her slightly anxious expression!

JennySue said...

well i must ditto the comment you left on my blog. bc now that you've directed my attention to yours, i haven't been able to stop looking through all of your posts as well- your site and your family is so darn cute!!
i'm a new follower now! no snow down here in georgia- it's actually been in the 60's and sunny!!

ginanorma said...

oh my WORD, doll and love!!!

Val said...

Beautiful winter wonderland pics.